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Alexander Technique for Pain and Stress Management

How does Pain & Stress Management work?


I use Alexander Technique to help my clients out of pain. Often they have been suffering with pain for a long time and many have been trying to manage the depression and/or anxiety that often accompanies pain with out success. 

People have frequently tried many different types of therapy, including prescribed pain relief or antidepressants, chiropractors, osteopaths, psychotherapy, etc. Often these treatments help at first but the symptoms return and so the search continues.

The links between pain and our response to stress are well documented. This could be physical stress (e.g. sitting for extended periods, repetitive strain injury (RSI) through repeated movements, sporting trauma, etc) or emotional stress (work-related worry, a busy mind, relationships, financial worries, trauma, PTSD, etc).

I will teach you how to manage yourself to reduce tension and positively affect your nervous system and physical structure.

I will explain how the brain works in relation to pain and what you can do about it.

I will help you to reduce cortisol, increase serotonin and balance biochemical responses that affect pain. 

This process is very specifically adjusted for each person, taking into account your personal situation, your physical structure, your time commitments and other relevant information.

Pain & Stress Management can show good affect within a relatively quick time. It will last indefinitely as you will understand the process and how you can easily apply it for yourself. 

I offer a free initial consultation. You will leave this with a better knowledge of how the brain works in relation to pain and some understanding of what you can do about it. 

Please let me know if you would like more information, if you would like to call for a chat or book an initial consultation I am available by phone on 07530 959 897, by text or email. 

lower back pain treatment, shoulder pain management, Alexander Technique
About Me
About Me
Tara Bentall
MSTAT, Alexander Technique Teacher

I came to the Alexander Technique as a result of wanting to manage my extremely rare genetic vision loss and health condition (Pseudo Xanthoma Elasticum).

I wanted to learn to lift well without strain as I had been advised not to lift weights or increase the pressure in my eyes. What I learned was so much more. Alexander Technique has indeed taught me to lift and to move well with minimal strain but is has also given me a way to feel comfortable in my own skin, to feel more confident and at ease, to be able to take my habitually rushed feeling and calm it down in everything I do. I have learnt a way to live more easily with myself and others. This is to do with the way I carry myself, my posture if you like, but it is so much more interesting than just standing up straight. It is a journey of exploration and letting go which I found incredibly exciting and rewarding and now love sharing with others as I help them to make their own lives easier.

I have trained as a Hypnotherapist as I wanted to give my clients a way to goal set and talk through their dilemmas in a positive way, without triggering unhelpful stress responses or adding to previous trauma. The Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy approach I use sits very comfortably with the Alexander Technique however I no longer practise this as a result of my eyesight. However the learning that I gained through practising and training in this remains with me and informs my practice as an Alexander Technique Teacher.

I now focus on my first love, the Alexander Technique which I am always excited to show people whop haven't experienced it before as it is such a life changing thing to know.

Alexander Technique Teacher Portslade Hove Brighton horse riding back pain

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